Bylaw 166-2020 Land Use bylaw is in effect
You can view this bylaw by clicking on the link below
The purpose of this bylaw is to regulate the use and development of land and buildings within the Summer Village of Bonnyville Beach to achieve the orderly, economical and beneficial development of land and to maintain and improve the quality of the physical environment. The Land Use Bylaw operates in conjunction with Federal and Provincial regulations.
Bylaws serve as a framework to help people in the Summer Village get along and lay out rules for cooperation. While we try to not be too intrusive in our bylaws, there are some minimum requirements to meet. Location of buildings on a lot, and the size of the buildings are one of the subjects addressed by a LUB (Land Use Bylaw).
The LUB provides for public notice and input to changes on properties in the Summer Village. There are also provisions for non-conforming use and limits what can be done to properties in the Summer Village. Applying for a variance for a specific use will be considered by the Summer Village upon application.